Just over one year since the arm operation
Just over one year since the arm operation going on OK just need a little more strength in it.
Just over one year since the arm operation going on OK just need a little more strength in it.
Why not take a look at are facebook and twitter pages https://www.facebook.com/cleanandbrightwindws/
With the hot sunny weather this year the last thing on your mind is the gutter cleaning but remember we still have lots of rain in this country. So don’t get caught out call Clean and Bright Gutters for your free quote,
Bath window gutter company Clean and Bright gutters will be a bit happier with this cooler weather we will be able to crack on now. #bath #windowcleaner #windowcleaning #guttercleaning #windowwasher #bath #bathwindowcleaner #bathwindowcleaning #bathguttercleaning #bathwindowwasher
This morning a over filled concrete lorry going to the site oppiste The Lansdown Grove Hotel spilt it load on Eastbourne Av and Claremont Rd would not be happy if this was my car not to mention amount of cars that must’ve drove through it