Firstly it’s important to note that the frequency with which you should get your gutters cleaned depends on several factors, including the type of gutter system you have, the amount of foliage around your home, and the climate where you live. So, how often should you get your gutters cleaned in the UK? The general rule of thumb is to clean your gutters annually – either at the beginning of spring or after autumn. This is because leaves and other debris can accumulate in your gutters during the autumn and winter months, which can cause clogs and lead to water damage. If you live in a particularly rainy or windy area and it’s surrounded by a lot of trees, then you may need to clean your gutters more often than once a year. It’s recommended that you wait for the leaves to have fallen, and then call in a professional to clean your gutters for you. This is because gutter cleaning can be a dangerous job, so it’s not recommended that you try to do it yourself. When deciding on the best time to have your gutters cleaned, you should also think about the weather conditions and how accessible your gutters are. If it’s frosty or snowing, it will be more difficult and dangerous to clean your gutters. Icy gutters can be very difficult to clean properly, so it’s usually best to wait until the weather has improved.